I haven't been doing much. My off ice season has began, and the first week, has been pretty hard, but that's all right.
Last Friday, I found out which subject I'm going to exam in. So I'm going to exam in written German and Biology. Biology is okay, but I don't like German that much, so I'm not to happy about that, but I'll be all right.
Yesterday I held my birthday party, that was fun.
Than I've been to a dance course this weekend, where I've danced in 5 hours Saturday and 5 hours today. That was really hard, and I'm really tired.
Then I was out rolling with Eva, Signe, Melissa and Halla today, after dance, so I'm pretty tired now.
I have Easter break now. It's really great to have 10 days of from school.
That was it.
Love Guri.
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