Hey everyone.
I’ve been in the states for almost a week now. It’s really great here, and my family are so sweet, and I’m sure, that I’m going to have the most amazing year.
Well the day after I arrived, I didn’t do much, I sad in a car, almost the hole day, but that didn’t matter.
Before school began, I saw a lot of movies, and met many of my host siblings friends, they are so nice.
Then Sunday, when we woke up, w found out that we didn't have any power, and there generator didn't work, so almost the hole day, we didn't have power. But they got the generator to work, so we have lived with half power Monday and almost the hole Tuesday. We just got power (with out using the generator) this evening. That's nice, then I can sleep in my room again.
Monday was my first day at school, it went really good, I think I have some pretty good classes, so that good. And we had a pep rally at school, I've never been to one of those before, it was kind of fun.
Today was my second day of school, it also went really good, even though I got a lot of homework:(
Today was my second day of school, it also went really good, even though I got a lot of homework:(
I've meet so many new people, and everyone has been so nice to me.